Monday, April 6, 2009

Gulancha at CKBS

Taken at CKBS on April 5, 2009. I thought this was a parasitic orchid growing on the mango tree!! As it turns out, it's a medicinal plant with known fighting properties against chickangunia.

Curiously enough, the sunlight was somehow falling just on the fruits and on nothing else. And that light was going up and down, virtually constantly. Had to wait for the right opportunity.

Scientific Name: Tinospora Cordifolia
Bengali Name: Gulancha
Hindi Name: Amrit

South Asia: Guduchi , amrita (Sanskrit), giloe , gulancha (Bengali), giloya (Hindi), gado , galo (Gujarati), duyutige , teppatige (Telugu)

English: heartleaf moonseed

Indonesia: Brotowali, Andawali, Putrawali

Philippines: Makabuhay (Tagolog), Paliaban (Bisaya), Pañgiauban Bisaya)

Thailand: Boraphet (บอระเพ็ด)

Information courtesy,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009